How Bondage Begins
When a person receives inspirations from an evil spirit, such as to cheat, commit sexual sin or immorality, tell a lie, manifest anger, etc., and the person entertains and acts in accordance with those inspirations, spiritual bondage will form in the person’s life.

What Is Repentance?
In one of the parables of Jesus Christ, he approved of the man who in Luke 18:13 said to God: “God be merciful to me a sinner.”

The question is why become a member of a church when it is easier to simply come and go and attend any church as you feel like, and be responsible for nothing?

The Preferred Baptism
Let’s kick this off with a question: Why do you eat food when you could simply have faith and be full?
Obviously, certain things need to be done physically in addition to faith. For example, we must open our eyes to see and we must eat.

How Church Can Change Your Life
Church means different things to different people. For some people, church is a place where Christian people gather from time to time to interact, socialize, pray and praise God.

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